Christian Medial Fellowship
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beliefs, values and identity

our beliefs

CMF holds to an evangelical basis of faith, shared with UCCF, which outlines our beliefs.

    This statement, which is set out in full in our Memorandum of Association and in our Constitution, two of the constitutional documents of the CMF, is as follows:
  1. There is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. God is sovereign in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement.
  3. The Bible, as originally given, is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It is the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.
  4. Since the fall, the whole of humankind is sinful and guilty, so that everyone is subject to God's wrath and condemnation.
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ, God's incarnate Son, is fully God; he was born of a virgin; his humanity is real and sinless; he died on the cross, was raised bodily from death and is now reigning over heaven and earth.
  6. Sinful human beings are redeemed from the guilt, penalty and power of sin only through the sacrificial death once and for all time of their representative and substitute, Jesus Christ, the only mediator between them and God.
  7. Those who believe in Christ are pardoned all their sins and accepted in God's sight only because of the righteousness of Christ credited to them; this justification is God's act of undeserved mercy, received solely by trust in him and not by their own efforts.
  8. The Holy Spirit alone makes the work of Christ effective to individual sinners, enabling them to turn to God from their sin and to trust in Jesus Christ.
  9. The Holy Spirit lives in all those he has regenerated. He makes them increasingly Christ-like in character and behaviour and gives them power for their witness in the world.
  10. The one holy universal church is the Body of Christ, to which all true believers belong.
  11. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in person, to judge everyone, to execute God's just condemnation on those who have not repented and to receive the redeemed to eternal glory.

our values

CMF's Christian values can be summed up in Christ's two great commandments (Luke 10:27). 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' (Deuteronomy 6:5); and, 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' (Leviticus 19:18)

As Christian healthcare professionals and students seeking to live and speak for Jesus Christ we aim:

  1. To acknowledge, love and obey God as the Creator, Sustainer and Lord of all life.
  2. To practise whole-person healthcare that addresses our patients' physical, emotional and spiritual needs
  3. To maintain the deepest respect for human life from its beginning to its end, including people who are unborn, elderly and those living with disabilities.
  4. To serve our patients according to their healthcare needs without partiality or discrimination on any basis.
  5. To care sacrificially for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized
  6. To uphold marriage between a man and a woman, faithfulness and the family
  7. To speak the truth, respect privacy and safeguard our patients' confidences.
  8. To put our patients first whilst fully accepting our duty to promote preventive medicine and public health.
  9. To deal honestly with our professional and administrative colleagues and to respect the governing authorities
  10. To work constructively in scientific research and in training others for the benefit of individual patients and the advance of health care throughout the world.
Note - CMF's governing documents refer mainly to doctors and medical students rather than to all healthcare professionals, and for most of its history since 1949 it has focused exclusively on doctors and medical students. However, in 2013 CMF took on the existing ministry of Christian Nurses and Midwives, with a view to growing nursing ministry and exploring the options for greater integration of nurse members in the coming years. Other healthcare professionals can join as associate members.

Recognising the need to clarify the current situation for our nurse members, the CMF Board of Trustees agreed on 11 May 2019 to authorise the above version of CMF's Aims and Values that recognises their applicability in principle to all healthcare professionals. The official Aims and Values of CMF remain unchanged, as does our Doctrinal Basis; these are laid out in our governing documents.

our identity

Christian Medical Fellowship was founded in 1949 and has as members 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. We are linked with like-minded organisations of Christian doctors in about 80 other countries through the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA), and with about 30 Christian nursing organisations through Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI).

CMF's ministry is based on Jesus instructions to his disciples, as reported by Luke, the first known Christian doctor: to preach God's Kingdom and to heal the sick (Luke 9:2).

These instructions are further expanded in Jesus' Nazareth Manifesto (Luke 4:18,19) where he describes his mission as one involving preaching, healing, deliverance and justice.

We exist to bring glory to Jesus Christ through fulfilling his great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and great commandments (Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:34-35) and by following in his footsteps (1 John 2:6).

CMF is first of all Christian. Our members are drawn from all Christian denominations and are united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our belief in the Bible as God's word. Second we are medical, united by our calling as doctors, nurses, midwives, medical and nursing students and other professionals working in healthcare. Third we are a 'fellowship', working together to encourage and inspire each other to fulfil our calling and serve Christ together in this generation.

Our logo of the triple helix represents the three persons of the Godhead - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - as well as the tripartite nature of humanity - spirit, soul and body. The cross is at the centre of all we do because we believe it is Christ's death and resurrection that makes our relationship with God possible, and it is Jesus' example of service that inspires us in our own service in healthcare.

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
Contact Phone020 7234 9660
Contact Address6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL
© 2025 Christian Medical Fellowship. A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England no. 6949436. Registered Charity no. 1131658.
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