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New laws are needed to prevent the misuse of genetic samples, the Government’s genetic advisors have warned. If the slide towards a ‘Big Brother’ society is to be halted, the Human Genetics Commission (HGC) says tougher measures are needed to make it a criminal offence to test someone’s DNA or...
'Curiosity without compassion is inhuman; compassion without curiosity is ineffective' Victor Wiesskopf [1] In early January, two companies announced dramatic advances in genetic engineering. The advance was the successful cloning of animals lacking the gene causing organ rejection in humans.[2] This development brings us one step closer to xenotransplantation, the ability to...
Gene testing is set to become routine for all large insurance policy applications. Lessons learned from HIV-related fraud suggest it as the way forward however undesirable the risks of creating a genetic underclass. Both the Genetics Advisory Commission and the Association of British Insurers support gene test results being given...
'The outstanding achievement not only of our time but in human history.’ So declared Michael Dexter, Director of the Wellcome Trust, in June following the joint announcement by the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics that they had deciphered the 3.1 billion letters of human DNA. It has been claimed...
A new era of cancer treatments,vaccines, personalised pills,extended lifespan and treatments for genetic diseases?The June announcement by the Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics that they had deciphered the 3.1 billion letters of the human genome has been hailed as altering the whole basis of medicine. Perhaps,but we need to be...
Four molecules (bases), adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C) 'spell out' the genes on which all living things are built. While viruses only have around 200,000 bases, human beings have three thousand million. Surprisingly about 90 per cent of this seems to be inactive. The rest forms...