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assisted suicide, stem cells, abortion (nucleus - summer 2018)

Hawaii becomes sixth state to legalise assisted suicide Hawaii has joined California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and the state of Washington to become the sixth state to legalise assisted suicide. Due to come into effect on 1 January 2019, the 'Our Care, Our Choice Act' was signed into law on 5 April...

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Umbilical cord blood stem cells - we told you so (triple helix - Easter 2010)

In January 2008 CMF welcomed a new bill which encouraged the donation at childbirth of umbilical cord blood and its storage for public use, (1) and called on the government to invest more actively in developing the NHS cord stem cell bank. MP David Burrowes' Umbilical Cord Blood (Donation) Bill (2)...

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Umbilical cord stem cell breakthrough

18th January 2010: For two years CMF has advocated the collection of umbilical cord blood as a source for stem cells. It is ethically uncontroversial and relatively easy to perform. In an exciting development, stem cells from umbilical cord blood have again been...
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Another breakthrough for adult stem cells

20th October 2009: https://

Hybrid hype exposed

5th October 2009: From the moment in early 2007 that the controversial proposal to create animal-human hybrids for embryonic stem cell research was mooted publicly, CMF was opposed on the grounds that the research was not just unethical but also unnecessary. Our CMF...
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Stem cells - The truth (gradually) comes out (triple helix - Easter 2009)

Almost ten years ago, after the 1999 Donaldson Report recommended allowing scientists to clone human embryos for stem cell research using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), Triple Helix called the research 'unethical and unnecessary' and sounded a strong note of caution. We said that the enthusiasm for this new technology...

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British breakthrough with 'ethical' stem cells

3rd March 2009: 'Ethical' stem cell creation hope 1 March 'A UK and Canadian team have manipulated human skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells without using viruses - making them safer for use in humans.' BBC News
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(published: BBC News)

Hybrids won't work anyway

9th February 2009: From January 2007 onwards scientists and the biotechnology industry were insisting that because of a shortage of human ova as a source of human embryonic stem cells, Britain should legalise the production of animal-human hybrids. Despite speeches such as the...
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Cardinal Keith O'Brien comments on the HFE Bill

29th October 2008: An open letter to Gordon Brown from Cardinal Keith O'Brien, leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, has had wide coverage in the media: STV News.Scotsman The Press Assocation BBC The Telegraph The...
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Joint statement to the House of Lords re Amendment 92 (29/10/2008)

Please do not vote for Amendment 92 Express consent must remain as an inviolable human right Amendment 92 would allow the use of tissue from children, mentally incapacitated adults, and...
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