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recovery for all (spotlight - Winter 2019)

In the same year as the NHS was formed, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as 'a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity'. (1) This definition pioneered, within modern healthcare, a recognition of holistic health and the rounded, multifaceted nature...

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loss, hope & healing (spotlight - Winter 2019)

I celebrated my 21st birthday the way I think most people dream of. Friends travelled from near and far to be with me on the occasion. My boyfriend at my side, we shared cake and stories and celebrated in my beautiful countryside home. By the same day the following year,...

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Review: book reviews (nucleus - November 2018)

Mindful of the Light: Practical help and spiritual hope for mental health Dr Stephen Critchlow 232pp, Instant Apostle ISBN: 9781909728448 Paperback £8.99, Kindle Edition £5.99 Whether you struggle with mental illness yourself or treat those who do, you will meet healthcare professionals who view faith with disdain...

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a day in the life: perinatal psychiatry (nucleus - November 2018)

Perinatal psychiatry is a relatively new specialty, which has gained new funding and media interest over recent months. Women with existing mental health problems are at increased risk of suffering a relapse during their pregnancy or the first year of their baby's life. 1 Those who become unwell, either for...

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be prepared: psychiatry as a medical student (nucleus - November 2018)

As a medical student, you will encounter mental ill-health across the specialities through which you rotate. As a future doctor, you will continue to encounter it in the patients for whom you care. Indeed, it will almost certainly feature in many other aspects of your life: fellow students, friends, family,...

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whatever man called it, that was its name (nucleus - November 2018)

One of the central teachings of the Bible, especially emphasised in the letters of Paul, is the principle of the lordship of Christ over all of life. This principle received special attention by Christians fighting back against the modern secular dualism that divided spheres of reality between sacred and profane....

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Personal Freedom: How the Gospel can be good for your mental health (triple helix - autumn 2017)

Ken Yeow Createspace, 2014, £7.99, 204pp, ISBN 9781505415742 Reviewed by Andrew Sims, Emeritus Professor in General Psychiatry, based in Shropshire Living the Christian life and walking daily with Jesus is Ken Yeow's theme. The author is a practising Christian and a consultant psychiatrist. He links working out the Gospel in everyday...

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Mindful of the light (triple helix - summer 2016)

I found this to be an extremely helpful book. It makes a vital contribution to the important area of mental health and spirituality. The material has developed out of a series of talks that the author presented in various settings and this helps make the writing very readable. There is...

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cmf file 58 (2015) - is Christian faith delusion? ()

How it looks from the other side Belief in God, in particular God with whom one can have a relationship and to whom one can pray, makes no sense to a nonbeliever. It is a phenomenon that, for such people, has to be explained away somehow - yet none of the...

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'It's just a PD' (triple helix - winter 2014)

How many doctors say, 'It's just a PD'? This often-used phrase may be heard before or following an assessment when someone presents with psychological distress. Acronyms throughout medicine are legendary, used by all practitioners at some point as shorthand in communication. Rarely would these terms flatter. Worse, they may reveal...

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