reproductive technology
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Submission from CMF to the Human Genetics Advisory Commission and the HFEA on 'Cloning Issues in Reproduction, Science and Medicine' (01/04/1998)
Introduction Christian Medical Fellowship is interdenominational and has as members more than 4,500 British doctors and 1,000 British medical students who are Christians and who desire their professional and personal...
A Dutch couple, Mr & Mrs Peters, had been trying to have a baby for over ten years. As a last resort they commissioned a British woman, Karen Roche, to be a surrogate mother and bear a child for them. However, three months into the pregnancy, Mrs Roche claimed that...
You are a young woman who is pregnant finally after years of trying. The pregnancy is a result of assisted conception and you are carrying multiple embryos.[1] The doctors tell you that it is possible that all the embryos will die unless you agree to a 'selective reduction' in their...
Submission from CMF to the HFEA on Sex Selection (01/05/1993)
Introduction Christian Medical Fellowship is interdenominational and has as members well over 4,000 British doctors who are Christians and who desire their professional and personal lives to be governed by...