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counterparts: Papua New Guinea (nucleus - November 2018)

Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and 'the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.' (2 Corinthians 13:14) I am from a small town called Ialibu in the Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea...

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Reviews (triple helix - summer 2018)

Understanding sexual abuse: A guide for ministry leaders and survivors Tim Hein IVP 2018, £12.00, 158pp, ISBN 9781910012475 Reviewed by Hilary Johnson , consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry in Buckinghamshire Tim Hein writes as a Christian leader and from his personal perspective and experience as a survivor of sexual...

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Review (nucleus - Winter 2018)

I had never done this before, never stopped to really think about the world we live in. What made it how it is? What shaped the values that we hold so dear? Why do we make music? Why are we passionate about education? Or rationality? Morality? The breadth of this...

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Cross-cultural challenge (triple helix - summer 2011)

A young woman was brought to the health centre unconscious after her family had found her collapsed on her way to work. She failed to respond even when a lumbar puncture was undertaken without anaesthetic. All results from the tests which were available were normal. As she was transferred from...

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The new atheism (triple helix - summer 2010)

This excellent little book tackles ten assertions made by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and others in recent polemics against God. Each chapter considers a different topic, convincingly demonstrating the limitations of atheist arguments about faith, memes, evidence, types of explanations and the nature of science. Sometimes, the illustrating stories are not...

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The God delusion and the human illusion (nucleus - summer 2007)

Richard Dawkins (Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, Oxford University) is best known for championing evolutionary theory in his books, The Selfish Gene [1] and The Blind Watchmaker.[2] However, his focus has gradually turned to a critique of religious faith, with titles such as A Devil's Chaplain.[3] In 2006,...

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Religions, Culture & Healthcare - A Practical Handbook for Use in Healthcare Environments (Book Review) (triple helix - spring/summer 2007)

This book aims to present an overview of religious groups to help deliver sensitive care to patients. The first three chapters provide a more theoretical justification as to why this should be necessary in contemporary Britain. The rest of the volume is a well-organised list of stereotypical attitudes and behaviour. ...

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Caring for Jewish Patients (Book Review) (triple helix - summer 2004)

An Orthodox Jewish man leaned out of a cubicle in casualty, pointed directly at me and bellowed, 'He can examine me!' As a clinical student who happened to be passing through, I felt rather bewildered when the frustrated casualty officer persuaded me to yield to this unexpected demand. The patient...

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Sharing Christ with Jewish Students (nucleus - winter 2001)

A unique feature of Judaism is that the religion is bound up with just one people group - the Jewish people or nation. This is in marked contrast to Christianity, Islam and even hinduistic movements whose members represent many or all peoples and nations. Judaism is nevertheless often called the...

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Blood Feud (triple helix - summer 2001)

Last June the media heard of an apparent change in Jehovah's Witnesses' blood policy. [1] The subsequent headlines prompted a statement from the Watch Tower Society. 'There is no 'U-turn'', they insisted. 'Nothing major has changed, there's only a slight difference in how we deal with members who deviate from...

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