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Racial and Religious Hatred Bill

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Religious Hatred Bill Victory

1st February 2006: On Tuesday the 31st January the government’s version of the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill was defeated, despite the government’s majority of 67MPs and the immense pressure exerted by the government to get people to vote for the Bill. It...
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Religious Hatred Law (triple helix - autumn 2005)

For the third time since coming to power the Government is seeking to pass a law against stirring up religious hatred. It is, in my view, a blasphemy law for all religions in all but name and, as a result, risks seriously limiting the freedom of Christians to criticise the...

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Criminalising Christian behaviour - legally enforced political correctness (triple helix - autumn 2005)

The first involves Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill (p4), which requires doctors who are not willing to authorise euthanasia to refer to other doctors who are; a move most Christian doctors would view as complicity in intentional killing. The second involves the Racial and Religious Hatred...

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