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the conversion therapy controversy (triple helix - autumn 2017)

What is gay 'Conversion Therapy'? A debate this summer in the Church of England's General Synod concluded it 'has no place in the modern world', and called upon the Government to ban it. In the 1940s, psychiatrists offered 'curative' aversion therapies to homosexuals hoping to convert them to heterosexuality....

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Why not legalise same-sex marriage? (triple helix - spring 2012)

Why not legalise same-sex marriage? Britain is coming under increasing pressure to legalise same-sex marriage and Prime Minister David Cameron is determined to drive it through. A consultation on same-sex marriage closed in Scotland in December 2011 and a new consultation has been launched in Westminster to consider how legalisation...

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Changing views about sexual orientation (triple helix - spring 2012)

Review by Peter Saunders CMF Chief Executive Many people believe that homosexual and heterosexual are distinct biological categories like race – unchangeable, biologically fixed and genetically determined. It is on the basis of this view that the gay rights lobby and sections of the media argue that 'homophobia' is...

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The churches must ensure good quality pastoral care for all, says report (20/12/2011)

The churches need to update their counselling and pastoral care to ensure that they support gay and bisexual people, according to a report published earlier this month. The report which...
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Gay children, straight parents - a plan for family healing (triple helix - Christmas 2008)

This book offers psychotherapist Richard Cohen's advice from his personal experiences to families who have a homosexual son or daughter. My husband and I are parents of a gay son who is a Christian, and we found what was written in the first part of the book to be very...

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Ex-gays? - A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation (Book Review) (triple helix - summer 2008)

In the words of the authors, this book about the effectiveness of 'Ex-Gay' ministries 'catapults us into the eye of a storm'. On the one side, it is argued that attempts to change somebody's sexual orientation subvert three decades of progress towards 'accepting people for who they are'. Opponents of...

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The science behind same-sex attraction (nucleus - spring 2008)

Over the last century and a half, stigmatising labels of pathology and 'disorder' have played a key role in the exclusion and sometimes inhumane treatment of people with same-sex attraction (SSA). As we saw in Martin Hallett's article in this issue of Nucleus (pp14-20), Christians have much more to do...

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Homosexuality: a Christian response (nucleus - spring 2008)

As founder and director of True freedom Trust, I have been involved in the Christian debate on homosexuality for over 30 years. I have been shocked by the way that some Christians with same-sex attractions (SSA) and their relatives have been treated by their churches - others have been wonderfully...

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Holiness and sexuality (Book Review) (triple helix - winter 2005)

There are so many books available exploring both theological and personal Christian perspectives on homosexuality that any new addition to the field should offer fresh insights. This one does. The chapters were all originally papers given at a symposium at Oak Hill Theological College in April 2003. Although the chapters...

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Ethical Enigma 10 (nucleus - winter 2005)

The current law allows married couples and single parents to adopt. Social workers assess the applicants and decide whether they are suitable for the child who needs parenting. From 2005 the law will change to make provision for unmarried couples to adopt. Our liberal government has made no stipulation, deliberately,...

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