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10th March: My Shepherd (3 cont'd)

He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2

Clearly, each of us must discern what is our Shepherd-given task and do it with out might. Some have easier terrain to traverse than others, but we are never as trapped by circumstances as we imagine. The real question is whether he is in control, or whether a pattern has been set without further reference to him. It is essential that some regular time is found for reflection in his presence and rumination on his guidance if faith is to be fresh rather than formal. He may suggest delegation, better planning, even saying `No' to some cherished (or even charitable) activity, taken on without his blessing. If we do not make this time for him, he may have no choice but to make it for himself, even through crises of our own creation.

For some of our patients, an unwelcome period of lying down may be one when they start seeking spiritual guidance for the first time. If, from our own experience, we are sensitive to this possibility, we shall more readily tune in to their deeper needs and lead them toward the living water so essential now for our own survival. If instead we convey a sense of turbulence and roughness, with no inner tranquility, all our other activities on their behalf will leave them as harassed and helpless as before and with their healing incomplete. The choice is ours, and we take it each day. How we need the Shepherd's leading.

Where streams of living water flow
My ransomed soul he leadeth,
And, where the verdant pastures grow,
With food celestial feedeth.
H W Baker

Further reading: Jn 4:10,14. Jn 7:37-39.


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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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