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20th February: Numbering our Days

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Youth is a most vital time of life. Goals and decisions are made then which affect the whole future. Changes can be made later, but are harder, and statistically much less likely to happen.

First, we can lose so much by default, especially as a senior medical student or a young doctor. The demands of the job, or study, the irregularity of the hours and the resulting chronic fatigue at times, all tend to disrupt regular devotional life and worship and cause spiritual and social isolation.

Against this background, the young resident may become easy prey to temptations common to man, such as sexual laxity, making money the main goal, and power through the pride of professional prestige. Also, there is the particular onslaught of the behaviourist world, now waiting to grasp the mind or at least weaken the faith of the isolated and overworked.

I have been saddened over the years to see the number of keen Christian medical students who, by the time they reach their place of influence for Christ, have fallen prey to these various temptations, especially money making. They may not have renounced their faith, but they have forfeited most of their usefulness as active Christian doctors whose life and quality of care draw people including patients towards the Lord.

Secondly, I have been saddened by those who, perhaps because its superstructure was second-hand, have renounced their faith. Someone recently said to me: `I'll come to Christ in my time'. Unfortunately we may become so entangled that we can't find the way back just when we want to do so.

I would implore all young Christian doctors and students reading this to maintain a total commitment to Christ, keep up a devotional life, and have regular prayer and discussion with an older Christian through this difficult period of life when the whole direction of the future is almost certainly laid.

Lord, so teach me to number my days that I may get a
heart of wisdom.

Further reading: Ps 90:12. Heb 12:15-17.


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