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21st December: Sharing the Gospel

And how are they to hear without a preacher? Rom 10:14

The importance of sharing the gospel is obvious. If people are never told about Christ Jesus, how can they believe in him and be saved? When Christ departed this earth he left us, his disciples, with this responsibility. He said, `Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation' (Mk 16:15). Let us ask ourselves this question, `Is my light shining before men or does it remain hidden?'

As medical practitioners we have intimate dealings with a multitude of people, many of whose needs require much more than a purely physical remedy. Hence we have a marvellous opportunity to witness. Unfortunately, however, our conventional medical education fails to recognise man's spirituality and has no answers for the management of spiritual problems.

As our calling is to be witnesses, how are we then to be effective witnesses? If we look to ourselves and our own strength, seeking answers in worldly resources, all will be darkness. But as we deny ourselves and our own works and instead look to Jesus -- to the fullness, to the perfect provision of our needs that is in him -- we move from darkness into light. And as the Apostle John says, `if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another' (1 Jn 1:7).

Walking in the light is a prerequisite for effective fellowship. Our ability to witness is not a natural gift, nor is it learned from literature or experience. The twelve disciples were taught and trained by Jesus himself for three years prior to going out and preaching the gospel. We, too, have to be educated and motivated to be effective witnesses. This is achieved through the activities of the Holy Spirit working within us. We can trust the Holy Spirit to show us when and how to speak freely about Christ and to minister to the spiritual needs of those we meet and treat.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the example of Jesus Christ and the early Christians in their work of building up your Kingdom here on earth. Lord, enable me to be an effective witness, through your Spirit working in me, that I may glorify your Name.

Further reading: Col 2:1-7


Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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