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25th February: U-Turns and Strait Gates

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain. Consider him, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. 1 Corinthians 15:58. Hebrews 12:3

The leading article in the April 16 1984 issue of the magazine MacLeans was entitled `Life with Less Sex'. I was fascinated to learn from it that Germaine Greer, author of The Female Eunuch, in a new book has publicly reversed many of her previous stands. To quote the Sunday Times, `The High Priestess of Sex does a


Referring to her first boom, which appeared in 1970, MacLeans states: `In her passioned analysis Greer argued that a patriarchal cult had castrated women by perverting their energies into impotent femininity. She argued that women might break through the crippling stereotype by casting off the shackles of marriage, family and sexual repression. The most radical feminists argued for nothing less than an end to the traditional family and an outright rejection of society's most sacred institutions: marriage, motherhood and religion'.

Now fifteen years later, Greer is apparently `a disillusioned warrior, in full retreat from her former battle'. She warns `that sex has become a social gesture as trivial as a handshake'. She now contends that the permissive Western world is sliding towards extinction and that contraceptive technology, instead of liberating women, has turned them into courtesans who risk their health and fertility for constant sex.

This is certainly an amazing U-Turn.

It seems clear to me, that in this world of chameleons, there is an ever-increasing urgency for Christian physicians, both individually and collectively, to announce and demonstrate, as did their Master, that there is an eternal, unchanging, God-given, happy way; that marital fidelity, the joys of motherhood and family closeness are clearly taught in the Scriptures, as are the beauty and sanctity of sexual relations.

Lord, help us to keep life in perspective -- your
perspective. Amid the confused, help us to be clear;
amid the chameleons, help us to be constant; amid
those that announce extinction, help us to tell of
hope in Jesus Christ -- the same yesterday, today and

Further reading: Heb 12:1-3.


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