Jesus said `Therefore go ... And surely I will be with you always to the very end of the age'. Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
Members of an expedition setting out on a tough journey are fortunate indeed if they have a good medical officer who, in addition to declaring them fit before they start, goes with them on the way. For those whose feet are set on The Way, Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, is just that. He is there not only to declare them fit for the journey and to be with them as they travel, but also to be their Leader over ground which he has already travelled. He is in every respect the master of the Way.
As we grow to know the Master, we need to remember certain things about him.
He is God: he is described as `the visible expression of the invisible God' (Col 1:15 JBP).
He is Man: he knows and understands all the temptations and problems of our life (Heb 2:14-18; 4:14-16).
He is Saviour: he loved us and gave himself for us (Jn 10:11; Gal 2:20).
He is the coming Judge (2 Tim 4:1) and the One towards whose glory the whole creation moves (Phil 2:9-11; Eph 1:20-23; Col 1:15-20).
And yet he calls those who follow him friends (Jn 15:14-15) and brothers (Heb 2:11).
It is no wonder that Paul said: `I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord' (Phil 3:8).
Most merciful redeemer, Friend and Brother,
May I know you more clearly,
Love you more dearly,
Follow you more nearly
Day by day.
Richard of Chichester.
Further reading: The references quoted are all worth looking up.