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3rd March: The Way (3) -- The Unseen Guide on the Way

All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14

When our Lord was near the end of his earthly life, he told his disciples that he was going away, but that he would ask the Father to send `another Counsellor', to be with them for ever (Jn 14:16). This was the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of truth, who would guide them into all truth (Jn 16:13).

This gracious guide, who goes with us on the way, has been described like this: `The Holy Spirit is God in action: God as he works directly with human personalities. He is God in contact with me, confronting me, and if I am a Christian, living in me. He has personal dealings with me, so that I know that he is He, as Christ spoke of Him, not It, a vague influence from God. He is in this sense a person -- not a separate being from the Father and the Son, but God in one of His three relationships with human personality' (H M Cundy).

The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, reveals Christ the Saviour to us and makes the redeeming work of Christ effective in us. He makes Christ real to us with his power to transform our lives. He teaches us the truth, especially through the Scriptures, which he has inspired. Through him God's love has been poured into our hearts. He can make us like Christ.

The Holy Spirit's role as Counsellor should appeal to medical people, most of whom have a counselling role to fill. The fact that we know how difficult it can be to get through to people, and how sadly often they fail to act on counselling given, should stir us to listen to God's Spirit. It is a tremendous privilege, and should be a great joy, to have him as Counsellor. We are urged not to grieve him (Eph 4:30) or to quench him (1 Thes 5:19). It certainly makes little sense to have a Guide and then to take scant notice of what he tells us. that way lies disaster.

Breathe on me, Breath of God;
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what thou dost love,
And do what thou wouldst do.
Edwin Hatch

Further reading: Jn 14:15-27, 16:7-15.


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