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5th March: Keep your ears Open

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. 1 Samuel 3:9 (GNB)

As we spend time alone with God each day, reading the scriptures, praying or just waiting silently in his presence, I believe that we should always do so with the expectancy that God will speak to us. Of course, it is not every day that we shall hear his voice speaking directly about the major issues in our lives, but how important it is that we should be listening when he does!

One morning I was reading in Genesis 40. The final verse which reads, `Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him', seemed to be emblazoned on the page in letters of fire, and I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart `Remember that! You will soon need to!'.

A few days later I was at a Christian Medical Fellowship conference in London. One of my fellow local general practice trainees was also present, and we soon started chatting. `Did you know that Dr Snook's practice is looking for a new partner and they have already made out a short-list?'. `No, I knew nothing about it,' I murmured quietly, but inside by mind was racing.

I had written to that very practice only a few months before, having heard a rumour that one of the parts was going to retire. I had a reply saying that the rumour was not true and that they had no vacancies. On hearing that they actually had, I felt hurt and angry, and it was obviously the sort of situation that could lead to weeks or even years of resentment. Then the Holy Spirit spoke again, `The chief butler did not remember Joseph but forgot him'. That word from God was just like soothing oil on a fresh wound. As I thought about Joseph's reaction in his situation, my anger evaporated. `God meant it for good' was Joseph's conclusion and instantly the voice of the tempter was silenced. The entire internal conflict had only taken a matter of seconds, and I was able to carry on the conversation as if nothing had happened.

But suppose I had not been listening to God that week? The outcome might have been very different. Let us not short-change God -- or ourselves -- of the incalculable benefits of spending time in absorbing his word.

Further reading: Gn 45:5-8, 50:15-21. Ps 32, 119:129-135.


(Subsequent unforeseen events revealed that God has a still better future for this contributors. Ed)

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