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5th September: Where do we belong?

Our commonwealth is in heaven, and from it we await a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

Paul tells the Philippians to 'Rejoice in the Lord' (Phil 3:1) but almost immediately warns them of the pitfalls they face. How can this be, since we so often learn of our security in Christ (Jn 10:28-29)?

Philippians 3:18-19 gives three warning signs of falling away:

  • Materialism 'their God is their belly'. What is my primary concern for the day ahead? Is it that Christ should be glorified in my work and that I should bring something of his care and compassion to my patients? Sadly, I am too often pre-occupied with the car that won't start, the job I should apply for next, terms and conditions, tax relief, superannuation or the intricacies of overtime pay (and it doesn't get easier higher up the ladder!).
  • The world's ways 'they glory in their shame'. We live in a corrupt society, nowhere more evident than in the doctors' mess. How easy it is to join in gossip, or remain silent when the whole tenor of conversation is contrary to our Christian profession, to keep a low Christian profile, hiding our light under a bushel. Soon we are tempted to do as others do. We need to pray for wisdom and strength to resist the moral laxity round us.
  • Earthly mindedness 'their minds are set on earthly things'. There are many concerns that rightly occupy our thinking, the ward round, the clinic, relatives to see, patients to encourage and comfort. Yet I suspect I am not alone in being distracted also by the social whirl, spending every evening in pursuits harmless in themselves that gradually undermine the relationship I used to enjoy with my Saviour.
Paul's antidote is not perhaps what we should expect. More Bible study? prayer? church attendance? No, important as they are. It is to look up to our 'commonwealth' in heaven, and the return of our Saviour. True, we belong in this world, but we belong to another, our goal to meet him who will change us to be like him. What a prospect for each new day!

What kind of people ought you to be... as you look
forward to the day of God? (2 Pet 3:11-12 NIV).

Further reading: Heb 11:13-16.


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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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