God richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy. 1 Timothy 6:17. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24 (GNB)
A senior consultant said recently that the sudden acquisition of money is the greatest curse to the junior hospital doctor of the West. Some might disagree, since money is one of God's many gifts. Perhaps he was thinking not so much of what we do with money as of what money may do with us. The love of money is a hazard to all Christians, and as a profession we are more exposed to it than many. Which of us is not aware of the pleasure in the time spent in working out our expenses claims and legitimate (or not so legitimate) ways of avoiding taxes? Insidiously money pre-occupies more and more of our thinking. The Bible warns us it attacks our heart's love (Mt 6:21), deceives us and distorts our judgments and chokes our fruitfulness (Mt 13:22 NIV). It alters our valuation of people (Jas 2:1-5,9), makes fools of godly men (Lk 12:20-21), and can destroy our soul (1 Tim 6:9). `Riches corrupt everybody who is in the least corruptible' (The Golden Cow, John White).
So -- don't set your heart on it (Ps 62:10), don't trust it or become dependent on it (1 Tim 6:17). Don't accumulate it unnecessarily (Ec 5:11,13), or imagine that it will make you either happy (Ec 5:10) or important (1 Tim 6:17).
What then is the use of it? Money, though a ruthless master, is a useful servant, and a potential blessing. It can lead us to a thankful trust in the Giver. It is a means of serving God and helping to meet the world's need. It is an outlet for practising the fruit of the Spirit which is goodness. It enable us to express a generous and liberal heartedness and furnishes a way to lay up treasure in heaven (1 Tim 6:18-19).
Lord, I know that every gift that comes from you is perfect.
Keep me from ever using any of your gifts to my own or any
other's hurt, or to your dishonour. Take what you have
given me and use it for your glory and for the sole purpose
of making your love and truth known.
Further reading: Lk 12:15-21. Mt 6:19-21.