Christian Medial Fellowship
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student graduation details

Students - please let us have the following details on your graduation.

(fields marked * must be completed)

Membership no (if known)
Title: *
Forename: *
Surname: *
Qualification: *
Qualification date: *
Qualifying medical school *

If you have been given details of your F1 rotation, please do let us know so that we can begin the process of linking you with local doctors on the welcome scheme. We recognise that many of you do not yet know the results of finals, and that some of you might be concerned that you might have to defer your F1 post for a year. However, we'd still prefer if you could tell us what the planned rotation would be, and then let us know if things change.

If you have not been given a rotation yet, just enter an explanatory note below in 'place' (eg, on reserve list, overseas, etc).

Rotation 1

Place *
Specialty *
Start date *

Rotation 2

Place *
Specialty *
Start date *

Rotation 3

Place *
Specialty *
Start date *


I would like to receive a free copy of 'Foundations'.
'Foundations' free copy is only available to members whose membership and contact/address details are up-to-date, and who have a current direct debit to CMF.

Welcome Scheme

Please tick if you want to be linked with other CMF doctors linked to your hospital through CMF's Welcome Scheme.

Reliable address for correspondence (not university address)

Email *
Address 1 *
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4
Postcode *
Mobile *

CMF is subject to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and is registered with the Information Commissioner (no. Z1341734). Your personal information will only be used for CMF ministry and administrative purposes, and is subject to our Data Protection policy and procedures.

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
Contact Phone020 7234 9660
Contact Address6 Marshalsea Road, London SE1 1HL
© 2025 Christian Medical Fellowship. A company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England no. 6949436. Registered Charity no. 1131658.
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Technical: ctrlcube