A personal battle with mouth cancer Christine Dunningham Trafford Publishing, 2008, £7.99 Pb 104 pp, ISBN 9781425170806 Reviewed by Andrew Brown, retired Maxillofacial/Head & Neck Surgeon Mouth cancer is an under-recognised form of malignancy by many doctors. Patients, when given the diagnosis, may even express surprise...
The older I get the more vivid is my recollection of things that never happened. (Mark Twain) The problem with looking back in time is that it is almost as inexact a science as predicting the future. Even if accurate records are available, it is an enviable skill (not...
'Spiritual Skills for Health Care Workers' - the title of the leaflet lying on the nurse's desk caught my eye. A free one-day seminar promised 'to explore the practical application of spiritual skills in a working environment'. Opening the leaflet I learnt that 'spiritual skills...are concerned with our deepest thoughts...