Church affairs are generally outside the scope of Triple Helix, but the choice of Rowan Williams as 104th Archbishop of Canterbury warrants an exception to the rule. We urge CMF members and the wider readership of Triple Helix to uphold Dr Williams fervently in their prayers, especially over the next few months as he begins a period of spiritual preparation before formally taking over as Archbishop.
Those who rely solely on media accounts of Dr Williams' views are likely to think him at best as somewhat enigmatic. As we have reported in this journal (Triple Helix 2002; Spring:4), Dr Williams lines up firmly with members of the pro-life constituency on issues such as abortion and therapeutic cloning. On the other hand much attention has centred on his views on human sexuality, not least the question of homosexuality. This has caused disquiet, especially within the evangelical constituency, for example prompting the Church of England Evangelical Council to seek an early meeting with Dr Williams to clarify the situation.
It is important that evangelicals do not simply write off Rowan Williams on the basis of media accounts of his thought and beliefs. Professor Allister McGrath, Principal of Wycliffe Hall Oxford and one of the most influential evangelical 'heavyweights', has make a thorough study of Dr Williams' writings. McGrath's verdict is that here is a Christian leader who is crystal-clear in his commitment to the authority of the Scriptures and on key issues such as the resurrection of Jesus. McGrath discerns the possibility that Dr Williams' utterances on sexuality, which took place primarily in teaching or classroom contexts, may turn out to be of a somewhat different order when in the future he speaks as a principal custodian of the faith as handed down through all the ages (Church of England Newspaper 2002:9, 8 August). What is certain is that Dr Williams is someone who understands evangelicals and takes them seriously. He could be an important ally.
Rowan Williams takes on a job that is frankly impossible. He is, however, someone with immense gifts. His leadership will be crucial, not least in whether or not the Church can reverse the trend of decline that has blighted its witness in this generation. Pray for him.