CMF National Conference 26-28 April 2002
'Count it all Joy' was the conference title and an apt description of the atmosphere at a wonderful weekend which 220 attended. Rob Scott-Cook's expositions from the book of Philippians were well illustrated with many stories from his own life experience. Dr Val Inchley delivered the Rendle Short Lecture on 'The Theology of Medical Mission', which was so well received that she had to lead a discussion on it the next day. It is difficult to choose from the many excellent parallel sessions. To mention just one, Nigel Rawlinson's 'Godliness in the workplace' presented much that was valuable. In particular it was helpful to hear him say that if you enter a room and assume the people there have some faith, however small, it is easier to bring God into the conversation. He added that our mentioning God honours their seeking. I found that refreshing and encouraging. Not everyone is hostile to the gospel and by remembering that we are more ready to speak out. There were a good number of children and teenagers, ably led by the Scripture Union team. They took part in the Sunday morning service and it was a delight to see their drama and hear their singing. Clare Cooper
Hope 21
Over 2,000 Christian leaders from over 40 countries through Europe and the former USSR attended this huge conference in Budapest, Hungary on 26-30 April. The main aim of the conference was to 'kickstart' specialist interest groups and there were 25 conferences within the main conference on issues as diverse as church planting to children's work. Several CMF members attended the Healthcare track and Peter Saunders, CMF General Secretary, was on the steering committee for the apologetics track, the largest in the conference, which attracted 120 participants from 30 countries. CMF's training initiatives were extremely well received, especially Confident Christianity and Ishmael my Brother. The track has already led to the launch of the European Apologetics Network, which will link and strengthen Christian apologists throughout Eurasia.
CNM Conference
'Christian Nurses and Midwives' met together for their first official weekend conference at Feldon Lodge, Hertfordshire, in March. Simon Ogbourn gave a series of talks on Christian ethics in practice, explaining the proper basis for a methodology to think Christianly about ethical issues. A number of areas were covered including the ethics of life and death. Optional seminars covered genetics, research, mission and other subjects. During the weekend the first AGM was held at which Ros Holliday was elected as president. The constitution of CNM was ratified and the UCCF doctrinal basis formally incorporated into it. For more information on CNM telephone 07941 800637, email or visit the website at
Ishmael My Brother
About 20 people attended the latest weekend Ishmael my Brother Conference run by CMF in London to equip members to reach out with the Gospel to Muslim patients and colleagues. With over 50% of some medical school intakes now Muslim, this will be an area of increasing activity in future. Please pray that those attending will be able to make the most of opportunities for witness to Muslims that God gives (see article on 'Religious Tolerance on Campus' in the July Triple Helix)
How to be cheerful
The CMF Rheumatology breakfast in Brighton on 25 April enjoyed a stimulating and encouraging address on 'how to be cheerful' by Prof Hill Gaston from Addenbrookes Hospital. CMF members of the BSR were joined by local CMF members and members of the Allied Health Professionals in Rheumatology, bringing the number of early eaters to 34. This was just one of a dozen CMF breakfast meetings for specialties this year.