For the first time in over 30 years, the accounts of the Fellowship reveal the true financial picture, since the CMF Trust Ltd and Fellowship accounts have now been combined. This means greater transparency, and greater accountability to the Fellowship - good news all round!
The nine months Fellowship accounts are also very encouraging, and we are thankful to the Lord for generous donors, and generous provision for our needs thus far in 2001. There is a surplus of £54,000 arising from an increase in subscriptions and donations, a significant increase in Gift Aid tax reclaimed, and very generous legacies (might CMF be a beneficiary in your will?). While income is well ahead of budget, expenditure has been very much in line with budget, hence the current surplus.
A preliminary balanced budget for 2002 has been drawn up, assuming the same level of support for all our current activities. However, we cannot contemplate the appointment of further medically qualified staff, without increased financial support over the longer term. Might you be able to contribute more, so that CMF can do more for God’s Kingdom in medicine? (Giles Rawlinson, Chief Administrator)