Looking forward, looking back
The beginning of a new year is traditionally a time to review the past and prepare for the year ahead. In the last year we have merged with MMA HealthServe and developed a multidisciplinary overseas department while at the same time undertaking the Office move. The merger has gone well and Steve and Laura have settled into CMF. Duplication of effort has diminished, allowing greater efficiency and room for expansion while links with other healthcare professional organisations have been enhanced through Steve’s previous links and continued networking.
Over the last 3 years, all of our Elective and Overseas materials have been updated and expanded and now include similar materials for allied health professionals. The HealthServe website has been relaunched under the name of CMF and the overseas database radically overhauled. There has been an increasing involvement in Careers Fairs and Elective Days at BMA and Medical School events and with other healthcare organisations. Over 3,000 copies of the Developing Health (DHC) CD have been distributed around the world and have been very well received.
During the coming year, we hope to be able more effectively to market the resources that CMF has to offer to Mission Agencies and to other faith-based and Non-Governmental Organisations working overseas. We are assisting the Nigerian CMDA in running their first overseas Developing Health Course (DHC), producing a second edition of the DHC CD Rom, developing a programme of short term multidisciplinary trips overseas and strengthening links with PRIME, ICMDA and related healthcare organisations.
A useful website - www.medicstravel.com
This secular website - contains a wealth of valuable information for those looking for interesting short-term work overseas as well as excellent electives information.
A helpful document
I hope you will have picked up your free copy of ‘The Rough Guide to a better World – and how you can make a difference’ at your local Post Office over Christmas. Produced by the Government’s Department of International Health, this document contains a wealth of interesting and challenging information, advice and contacts to enable you to get involved in reaching out to the poor.
Peter Armon
Dates for your Diary
- Student Elective Days 2005
- In Leeds,