Recent Changes
During 2004, in addition to our normal ministry activities, we increased our office space by 200%, merged with MMA Healthserve, implemented a new computer system, appointed eight new staff including an Associate General Secretary, supported four ICMDA regional conferences, ran fourteen Saline Solution day conferences, built stronger links with partner organisations (esp LCF, CNM, CTN, PRIME and Interhealth), responded to five major government consultations and generally upped our media and public policy profile.
In a growing organisation (CMF has grown over 60% in both income and activities in the last four years) these sorts of changes happen – and in planning for the future the CMF Executive wants to make further appointments to ease the workload of existing staff and further develop our ministry. Further details for all posts are available from Giles Rawlinson at the CMF Office. Please pray that God raises up the appropriate people for the tasks ahead.
New Staff Sought
Senior Editor
CMF’s publications have grown and are increasingly in demand by Christian doctors and medical students all over the world. We are seeking to appoint a new full time senior editor based in the London office who would provide editorial oversight for CMF’s books, booklets, periodicals, CD-Roms, websites and translations and, in conjunction with other staff, manage distribution of the same.
New International PA
ICMDA Eurasia has grown hugely over the last ten years with many new national Christian medical groups forming, all needing pastoral and literature support and encouragement. At the same time PRIME (Partners in International Medical Education) is getting a growing number of requests for training in general practice from all over the world and especially the former Soviet Union. As both organisations deal very much with the same ICMDAlinked groups abroad, and as both are now are seeking to appoint a new full time PA to support the joint work of both along with CMF’s ICMDA-linked international activities. This new post will be funded jointly by ICMDA, PRIME and CMF.
London Student Secretary
CMF Student Secretary Mark Pickering is moving to the north of England in autumn 2005 to take up a new post within CMF overseeing student staff training and pastoral support. We are therefore seeking to appoint a new London Student Secretary to take over Mark’s current duties in the CMF London Office including oversight of the Students’ Coordinating committee and Nucleus editorial committee, organisation of the National Students’ conference and encouragement and support of student leaders. This would be at very least a part-time post (5-6 sessions per week), but could also be full time, in which case it would be extended to include student speaking engagements and some staffworker support.
Student staffworkers
There are now vacancies for student staffworkers in North East England, East London/East Anglia, Scotland and Ireland. Posts are normally 4-5 sessions per week for two years, but other models are not impossible and we try to fit posts around an applicant’s location and stage. Staffworkers are usually 24-32 years of age and spend the other half of their time in part time SHO, SpR or GP trainee or retainer posts, or in doing Bible College study. Salary is based on graduate teacher scales.
Interhealth move in
CMF is in the process of sub-letting the remaining space on the fifth floor of Partnership House to Interhealth, who will use the office for administrative support to supplement their growing healthcare support ministry to Christians working abroad in developing countries. We have long enjoyed a close relationship with Interhealth and many CMF members have benefited from their health advice, screening and debriefing whilst serving abroad. The Lawyers' Christian Fellowship have already moved in alongside us, meaning that all the extra space we took on in April is now being put to good use in serving God’s Kingdom.