What is new in the third edition? First, there are nearly 100 extra pages. Also new is the large number of experts who have commented and assisted in the revision. This book is a practical manual, not a textbook. Chapters cover basic community development issues such as participatory appraisal and how to work with communities; common diseases (mostly infectious but also maternal health, nutrition, and environmental); and management of projects, people and money. The book is not comprehensive but covers 90% of the health issues in the developing world. There are no chapters on mental health issues and on health beliefs. Maybe in the fourth edition? If only I'd had a copy when I went to Uganda to run community health, and was soon asked to become the medical superintendent of a rural mission hospital, having done my GPVTS, but with no formal management training or experience. Who should buy it? Anyone interested in community health, or who wants to know more about this neglected field; those already working abroad especially; and elective students and those on short-term trips (who can leave their copy behind).