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The Lost Hospital - Rushere, Uganda

Joan C. Hall, Administrator Rushere Hospital
A visit to the "Lost Gardens of Heligan" in Cornwall was an amazement to me. To see people re-capturing the vision of those who had laid the gardens out so long ago brought to my mind Rushere Hospital in Ankole, Uganda.

Just over a year ago, I was invited to join the staff of the Hospital as Administrator and as time went on, I discovered hidden treasure. First of all I met, by one of God's coincidences, the donor/builder of the main Hospital block and discovered that he is a Christian. From him I found out that when the Hospital was started some 10 years ago it had a Christian basis and a Christian vision. This had become completely lost under the undergrowth of secularisation! Then as I went round the large and magnificent grounds I saw that plans had been drawn up for the erection of Hospital blocks, land had been levelled and straight rows of exotic flowering trees had been planted. Apart from the 3 Senior staff houses at the top of the hill, the Hospital block at the bottom of the hill and a few poorly built Nurses Quarters, nothing else had been erected for all those years.

So the first task was, and still is, to take the Hospital back to its original foundation, and we are busy drawing up a new Christian based Constitution. At the same time we are gradually seeing the undergrowth of years being taken away. Electricity has been installed in all buildings and we are about to have running water piped up from the boreholes which are in the Hospital land. We are developing income-generating projects including a small dairy herd (which has been a support to the Hospital for several years) and we are opening a small shop for use of the staff, patients and their carers.

But you can imagine that the work ahead is enormous, so pray for us that we do not get submerged under all the ideas and possibilities. Pray too that Jesus will be seen and glorified through the Hospital and through the many and varied aspects of outreach into the extensive community which the Hospital serves. Pray that many will find healing and wholeness as well as skills that will increase their confidence and their income, and that like the cripple of Acts 3 we may discover together that it is 'Jesus' name and the faith that comes through Him that has given complete healing'

If anyone would like to know more about the Hospital and its Community based outreach, or would like to help in any way please contact either MMA HealthServe ( or Joan Hall at Box 256 Kampala, UGANDA. email:
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