Christian Nurses and Midwives
Christian Therapists' Network
February's annual joint conference had to be cancelled because of heavy snow, so a day conference was organised in Johnson House on 13 June. Jeremy Hobson (a surgeon and currently minister of Trinity Church, Islington) spoke from 1 John on the importance of Christ-like relationships in the workplace. Both groups are considering another day conference in the West Midlands this autumn, possibly looking at issues affecting Christians working in the NHS, arising from the Caroline Petrie case and the new Religion or Belief guidelines.
At the recent CMF General Committee there was concern that we offer more support to develop stronger Christian fellowships among the other health professions. If you know Christian nurses or allied health professionals in your church or workplace, please let them know there are national fellowships for them. We hope soon to send all CMF members relevant literature to pass on to colleagues and friends.
Nurses Christian Fellowship International
Meanwhile NCFI helped run the fourth students' conference on spiritual care in Norway in April. The stories around spiritual care and religion in the NHS, and especially the Caroline Petrie case, had been widely reported across Europe and beyond, and there was much discussion of the issues raised. A European network for nursing research and training in spiritual care was also established, and I held a seminar introducing Saline Solution in the concurrent sessions programme. See full report at The next conference will be held in The Netherlands in 2011.
Saline Solution International
The international group continues to work at developing links and networks within nursing and the other allied health professions, and at the European region re-envisioning conference in Birmingham, 11-13 September, we shall be looking at adapting both Saline Solution and the 'training the trainers' programmes for nurses and other health professionals.
Healthcare Sunday
Finally, Healthcare Sunday this year is on 18 October. CMF is helping develop a range of tools and resources for churches to recognise and support the work of the health professionals in their congregations, and thus support the health service as a whole. See
Steve Fouch is Head of Allied Professions Ministries.
PRIMEPartnership in International Medical Education'Until today I thought there was only one way to practise - now I know there is another way. Why have I wasted my life till now? It is going to be different in the future.' These words from an African psychiatrist came after an evening in a UK hospital where PRIME shared its vision with doctors from various faith backgrounds. Putting God-centredness at the heart of clinical care is not just for overseas, it is also needed here. We are happy to share this message with your colleagues wherever they are.
PRIME's links continue to strengthen and we are working towards establishing PRIME Australia as a semi-autonomous group. We have a number of tutors based there, and they recently held a national conference together with HealthServe Australia and ICMDA Oceania. It successfully spread the concept of PRIME to a much wider group of potential Australian tutors, and also to those who came from New Zealand, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.
Doctors and other teachers of health professionals, many already engaged working in countries overseas, enthusiastically saw the PRIME approach as a way of deepening that work and making it more effective and sustainable. Thanks to Carolyn Russell, Bill Hague and Michael Burke, we have a group with enormous potential - not just for work in Australasia or the southern Pacific but also in many parts of Africa, South Asia, China and even Eastern Europe.
Tom Garrett
As well as being involved with our work in Eastern Europe, Tom headed our Africa Desk and was actively involved in projects in Sierra Leone, Zambia and Mozambique. As International Development Officer for the RCGP he was connected with countries such as Nigeria and the Gambia. His death has left a big hole in PRIME work and in many people's lives. Tributes have been coming in from all over the world.
Can you help fill the gap? If you have in-depth experience of working in an African country, up to date contacts, and would be willing to co-ordinate and expand educational partnerships for PRIME, we would love to hear from you, even if you have not yet worked with us.
If you wish to join in with the PRIME vision in any way please email
Clare Cooper is Associate Director of PRIME.