words of Peace; Words of Faith; Words of Hope
A Bible and prayer guide for people with dementia
Scripture Union Year, 2010
£6.99 (each) Pb 48pp
ISBNs 978 184427 522 9, 978 184427 521 2, 978 1 84427 520 5
These three books area response by Scripture Union to the challenge of dementia and offer support to a group whose spiritual needs are often overlooked and even ignored. The approeach is straightforward. Keep it short, simple, flexible and familiar, and accept the need for repetition.
Dementia is a progressive condition moving from worry about failing memory, through deepening anxiety and frustration to detachment and a 'shut in' state in which communication seems impossible. Many sufferes do retain a spiritual awareness despite severe impairment. The daily guide allows interaction appropriate to each stage of the condition. Initially the prayers, readings and 'Talk About/ material may be shared. Later they may need to be 'conducted' by the carers as they learn to lissten and adjust. These resources are an aid to spiritual care. They need prayerful preparation and sensitive personal understanding by the helper.
If these books and the CDs are sensitively used, both helper and 'helped' may be blessed. SU is to be congratulated on meeting a very present need.
George Chalmers is a retired consultant in geriatric medicine.