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e-newsletter: 4th December 2008

Letter from the Chairman

Thanks for all who prayed for the Executive meeting last Saturday. It was a very memorable event, as over the lunch hour we were joined by seven members of the Johnson family to name the new CMF headquarters as Johnson House in memory of both Douglas Johnson (DJ), CMF's founder and his son Alan, a recent CMF president. Alan's untimely death during his term of office left the Fellowship bereft of a true 'father in Christ'. Alan's widow, Esther, unveiled a plaque and his son Paul led the Executive and staff in a prayer of thanksgiving for the lives of these two men.

One of Alan's major concerns was that we should be a truly national fellowship. Revitalising the regional groups across the UK to pray for CMF's work and growth was a major theme of the day as we looked at the 2009 business plan and approved the budget. If you are not involved in a local CMF prayer or support group why not consider starting one? ( Kevin Vaughan) would be happy to help.

A key issue for prayer at present is for the successor to Mark Pickering, Head of Student Ministries who leaves the staff next February following his move to York. Mark is a hard act to follow and there have so far been no applications for the post. DJ famously said 'If we look after the students and publications, CMF will look after itself….' and it is absolutely vital that the student work does not fall by the wayside in 2009. Please pray for Mark's successor and if you are involved with any intercessory networks such as HCF, Maranatha or Lydia do ask them to pray with us.

A cause for considerable thanksgiving is the generous response to the Autumn appeal thus far. Thank you so much if you have given and if you have not yet given, but would like to, please do. You can follow progress on the CMF website .

The giving of time is another way you can help the work of CMF and we are always grateful for volunteers to offer their help. Rupert Rea a retired GP, is currently giving one a day a week in the office and renal consultant, Sui-Phin Kon, has recently worked for five weeks full time during a period of leave. We are very grateful to God for both of them. If you think you might have time to give CMF then do explore it with us.

Every time I speak at events or preach in churches I come across many health care professionals who have never heard of CMF or are not members and we are moving forward in the New Year to produce the DVD which many of you wrote to me about to introduce CMF to your churches. Watch this space.

Another suggestion at the Executive on Saturday was that a regular devotional email would be helpful. I would value your feedback on this.

Finally may I wish you a relaxing and fulfilling Christmas time,

Trevor Stammers

Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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