What defines disability? In this wide ranging book, the prolific author and psychology lecturer Andrew Solomon – himself the father of a disabled child – explores the lives of hundreds of children who don't fit the mould. It shows how having an apple that falls 'far from the tree' can be a life-changing experience, from gifted offspring to dwarfism and deafness to multiple physical disability.
From beginning to end it is a long read, but as each chapter includes many different anecdotes and life stories, busy readers can dip into the work without losing its meaning. Award-winning author Solomon is bold in exploring the heartbreak and struggles that occur, speaking to families from around the world and not shying away from describing their views and feelings.
At times the stories become very challenging, but the tenacity and honesty of people interviewed makes this a very human work, giving a voice to people not often heard as well as more well-known contributors. Although not specifically a Christian book, it delves deeply into spiritual themes, such as finding a path through suffering and how we value individuals in society today. This book casts a fresh view on disability and is an eye-opening read.