Following mission work in India, CMF member William Cutting had a wide-ranging internatio nal career with paediatric trainees, but after retirement in 1998 'the paediatrician metamorphosed into a concerned amateur geriatrician' and these first two volumes of a tetralogy arise from his pastoral care for 'seniors', those over 60.
Described as 'a doctor's collection[s] of stories, biographical glimpses, jokes, poems, and practical advice with Christian devotions about health and wellbeing', the books' presentation suits the elderly. They are easy to hold, with big print, lots of white space, and occasional illustrations. The content is geared to older readers: delightfully digestible, always thought provoking, and with a gentle devotional edge that would not put any senior off.
Book One reminds seniors that they 'can inspire, apply wisdom and moral values' and Book Two presents 'challenges, joy and faith'. I read them while leading a weekly Bible study for a very mixed group, mostly my age or older, and I had enormous pleasure recycling some of the jokes. Their points were appreciated by the whole group.
Book Three will consider making the most of one's own health and of the health services, and Book Four practical matters including facing dementia and preparing to finish well in this life.