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ss triple helix - spring 2017,  In God's hands

In God's hands

Ella Kim shares wisdom on God's sovereignty

'No! Please don't take my eye out!' The four-year-old boy desperately kicked and screamed as his worst nightmare was about to happen. It was the most unpleasant anaesthetic induction I had observed, as the small child was prepped for his enucleation. He was understandably terrified of his eye being gouged out. But his parents and the ophthalmologist knew that it was the best thing for him. The retinoblastoma would eventually kill him unless removed. This case from my student elective led me to reflect on life as a Christian. Do we ever feel confused and afraid about what is going on in our lives? Why would God so cruelly take that precious something or someone away from me? Why would he let me fail that exam? Why would he take my health away from me? Sometimes we just don't understand why God would let these difficult, painful things happen.

But we are often short-sighted and forget the big picture. God doesn't promise our lives on this earth to be easy. But we have a God who cares for us; who is powerful; and who has a bigger eternal perspective. He knows where we are heading. He wants what is best for us, and what is most glorifying to him. And perhaps that terrible event actually turns out to be a good thing in the long run. There have been numerous events in my life that I didn't understand at the time, and I certainly wouldn't have chosen for myself. But months or years later God would show me why it was necessary, or how he would use it for good. He draws me closer to him through these events, shaping my character and strengthening my trust in him.

And some of these things I still don't understand, and perhaps won't until the new creation. But I know that for those who love God all things work for good, (1) and I am so grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father who is much bigger and wiser than I am. I'm sure the little boy I met in the operating room will one day understand why his parents let him go through that horrific operation, and why it was actually the best thing for him in the long run.
Is there something going on in your life right now that you just don't understand but need to entrust into God's hands?

Ella Kim
is a junior doctor in Ophthalmology and former Chair of the National Student Committee.

  1. Romans 8:28
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