- Jonah, angry that God had shown compassion to Israel's enemies (Jon 4), sheltered beneath a vine. But when a worm attacked the plant he suffered sunstroke. God revealed the lesson he was teaching in the closing verses of the book.
- Og, King of Bashan, had an iron bed that was more than thirteen feet long and six feet wide (Dt 3:11). Debate exists as to whether this refers to an actual bed or a burial sarcophagus.
- Asa, King of Judah, suffered from diseased feet in his old age (1 Ki 15:23).
Know Your Bible 29
- Which surgical operation allowed Jacob's sons to take revenge on the Shechemites for the rape of their sister?
- Which disease was likened to the teaching of those who indulge in godless chatter?
- Who, at 80 years of age, complained to King David of a diminished sense of taste and hearing?