Audrey Pegler We said goodbye to Audrey Pegler at Christmas. Audrey has been the immensely faithful accountant of CMF since August 1975 (yes, 1975!). She has offered a caring, friendly ear to many overstressed CMF members who are hopelessly in arrears with their subscription, and are buried by their personal administration....
Euthanasia and 'gay marriage' could be legalised and abortion even further liberalised in the UK in 2004. Over the next six months the government will be considering new legislation that could have profound implications for the way people live and how medicine is practised. Lord Joffe's Patient (Assisted Dying) Bill,[1] seeks...
The steady stream of ethical issues which have come to prominence over this last year is likely to intensify rather than abate in 2004. Peter Saunders' editorial (p1) highlights some of the major legislation on the near horizon. The legal and political consensus on euthanasia that has survived in the...
Christian-Muslim debate 'Who is the Real Jesus?' was the subject of a two-hour debate between CMF General Secretary Peter Saunders and Muslim apologist Shabir Ally at Nottingham University on 16 October. Over 300 people (more than 80% Muslim) attended and listened attentively before probing both speakers in a lively question...
The Saline Solution Every Christian doctor has a unique opportunity to improve both the physical and spiritual health of their patients, but many feel frustrated by the challenge of integrating their faith and practice within the time constraints of the daily schedule. And yet there is now a growing recognition in...
CBPP Conference: Cloning and the Biotech Future The presence of Clonaid Director, Brigitte Boisselier, at the CBPPs 'Cloning and the Biotech Future' conference on 24 November was bound to attract attention. The late change in venue from the Royal Society of Medicine to the Royal Horticultural Halls & Conference Centre amid...
Upcoming CMF Conferences East Anglia Day Conference 28 February The theme for this year's conference is the Saline Solution (see evangelism section) CMF National Conference 23-25 April The brochure for the CMF National Conference at Swanwick is included with this mailing. Please put the date aside in your diary and book soon. Other CMF...
CMF's finances currently show a very healthy surplus of £57,000 as at 30 September, on turnover of £673,000 (£52,000 deficit for the same period last year). This is a cause for great gratitude to the Lord for his gracious provision, and for the generosity of the graduate membership in particular,...
From Ralph Sinn, ICMDA General Secretary ICMDA continues to expand in relevance around the world. The work of the many ICMDA Regional Secretaries is coming to fruition, including, amongst others, the Regions of West Africa, East Africa, South America, and Central America. Mark Chandra, the new ICMDA Student Secretary, has begun...
Conferences for 2004 Please put the dates of three conferences directly relevant to juniors in your diary now: Turning the Tide Ethics day conferences (Bristol, 13 March; Manchester, 20 March) , Beyond the Bleep Weekend Conference (Hothorpe Hall, 8-10 October). Juniors' Open House Meetings These continue to spread and spring up everywhere....
Congratulations On their awards and appointments Walter Boyd FRCGP Prof Terry Hamblin IWCLL Binet-Rai medal for outstanding contribution to CLL research. Prof Norman Nevin OBE Olusoji Olakanpo Diploma in Paediatric Cardiology (University of London) Allister Vale Medical Director of the MRCP (UK) Examination and MRCP(UK) Central Office Kerry Waterfield MRCP If you have recently received an award,...
A visit to CMDA HQ in the USA I was recently given the opportunity to visit our colleagues at the HQ of the Christian Medical and Dental Association in the States. A truly impressive purpose built building in the most beautiful woodland setting in Tennessee. It was good to meet and...
The final draft of Andrew Fergusson's Hard Questions about Health and Healing has now been received and the book will be published shortly. After the merger with MMA Healthserve (see p 6), Healthserve magazine will cease publication and its subject material will be subsumed into Triple Helix, Nucleus and CMF News,...
Once For All The 2004 National Students' Conference is fast approaching. The title is 'Once for All', looking at the person and work of Jesus in the book of Hebrews, and dates are 13-15 February. Nigel Lee, former head of student ministries at UCCF, will give the Bible addresses. Marjory...