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Articles from summer 2004

From the Chairman

Chris Summerton writes: I joined CMF in 1977 as a first year medical student and a recent convert to Christianity. I wanted to be involved with a movement concerned with bringing Christian values into healthcare. However, there were things that frustrated me. As a new Christian with radical leanings, I...

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Events, conferences and resources

Upcoming CMF Events Please check the dates of upcoming conferences oin the events section of the CMF website. CMF Regional Conferences Weekend regional conferences are being held this autumn in Scarborough (15-17 October), East Sussex (12-14 November) and Glasgow (19-21 November). Day conferences will take place in London (5 November), Oxford...

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central services

Staff news

New Appointments Richard Knox has been appointed as Midlands staffworker, working four sessions per week from August 2004. Richard will be based in Birmingham and will be supporting Christian medical students in Birmingham, Warwick and Leicester. Richard qualifi ed MBChB in Birmingham in 2001, and will be continuing fl exible training...

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Practising God’s presence

No matter which branch of medicine we are in, we work in a fast, ever changing environment. The demands on our time from patient expectation, bureaucracy, form-fi lling, management and meetings have never been greater. And yet, we are also called to have a personal walk with God our Father,...

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Ethics News


John Wyatt writes: In our democratic society we have the inestimable privilege of making our voice heard in the public arena and with legislators. As a Fellowship we can play a strategic role, and our aim is to provide thoughtful and clear written resources for students and doctors and authoritative submissions...

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Evangelism News


Kevin Vaughan writes: The Saline Roadshow ‘Spirituality’ is the new buzzword in healthcare – everybody is using it but few are able to defi ne it. But a recent British Medical Journal editorial reviewed over 1,000 articles on the subject, of which over 80% showed a strong link between spirituality and health. The...

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Finance Matters

Finance Matters

The jovial smile is beginning to return, you will be pleased to hear! The General Committee in June accepted the audited Fellowship accounts for 2003, which showed a surplus of £58,000 on income of £920,000 – a cause for very great gratitude to the Lord for his gracious provision, during...

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International Christian Medical and Dental Association

From Daryl Hackland, ICMDA General Secretary: ‘Change our Lives, Change our Lands’ 2nd ICMDA Southern Africa Conference Lake Malawi, 30 April – 3 May, 2004 ‘African Christians need to reject the negative mindset that Africa will always be poor and struggling.’ This was the challenge that Stephen Lungu of Africa Enterprise brought to...

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Junior Doctors

Sarah Germain writes: After brainstorming ideas as a whole committee, we’re using sub-committees to flesh out the details for our various conferences, allowing more time at meetings to discuss and develop new ideas. Each of the committee members now has their own portfolio, under the four main aims of CMF Juniors’ conference The...

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Members' News

Members’ News

Congratulations On their awards and appointments Dominic Beer FRCPsych Victoria Smith MRCP Sarah Ross MD If you have recently received an award, a new appointment or postgraduate qualifi cation please let us know forthe next edition of CMF News. Movements Outgoing Alexander Colquhoun (Glasgow) to USA Valerie Inchley (Liverpool) to Nepal Roy Jones (Sheffield) to Chad Mark Stirling (Glasgow)...

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Overseas News

Mission Matters

Peter Armon writes: I was recently privileged to attend the ICMDA Southern Africa Regional Conference which was held in Malawi at the end of April. Over 200 delegates, both graduates and students, from nine different countries, attended the Conference, which was held in a beautiful setting on the shore of Lake...

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Allister Vale writes: Andrew Fergusson’s new book Hard Questions about Health and Healing was at proof stage as CMF News went to press. The editing of Mad, Bad and Sad is also progressing well and is expected to be completed by December 2004, though the fi nal chapter is awaited. Chapters...

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Mark Pickering Writes: Exams are over and the student year for many has drawn to a close. Do pray for CMF’s 1,000 student members as they take a well-earned break. On 11 May the annual London students’ Missionary Breakfast took place in Guy’s Tower and 42 students heard David Yorston speak powerfully...

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Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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