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Articles from spring 1997


Islam is on the move on British campuses. There are now over 90 Muslim student groups affiliated to FOSIS (the UK Federation of Student Islamic Societies), but less moderate groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir and Al-Muhajiroun pose much more of a challenge, especially when they operate under a variety of names....

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Muslims Come to Christ

Probably no Muslim country is now without national believers. Even in places where Christians face terrible persecution or repression, the church is growing. In Iran there are thought to be tens of thousands of converts from Islam who have come to Christ in the last few years. Hunger for Scriptures...

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English Opens the Door

One billion people worldwide now speak English; two-thirds of them as a first or second language. English is pushing French out of South-east Asia, Portuguese out of Southern Africa and German out of Eastern Europe. Teachers in demand It is rapidly becoming the language of science, business and the internet....

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Evangelism Among Muslims

Historically, Christians have been working in countries with an acutely sensitive political situation, where putting a foot wrong has meant being kicked out. We need to remember when sharing the gospel here in England, that the rules have changed. We must ‘untie our hands’ and avoid three unwritten rules, which...

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News from the Muslim world

In Afghanistan, a ‘holy army’ of well-armed, religious men known as the Taliban now control three-quarters of the country, having emerged as a military organisation barely two years ago. They took the capital Kabul in September and imposed strict Islamic law; even forbidding women from working. Violent, public punishments have...

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'Rally for revival' Cancelled

British Islamists organising the September 8 London Arena Extravaganza ‘Rally for Revival’ were forced to cancel the event in the face of mounting security costs. Instead, 800 people attended a ‘press conference’ at Hyde Park. Mass action Al-Muhajiroun, a group which has broken away (complete with leader Omar Bakri) from Hizb ut-Tahrir,...

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Christ or Culture?

Shortly after Muhammad’s death in AD 632, Arabian converts to Islam began to push northward into Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. Soon they conquered North Africa and made significant gains in Europe. Islam quickly became a social, political and religious power. For the next several hundred years, Muslims consolidated their gains....

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Western Converts to Islam

When Muslim immigrants first came to the UK they did so for largely socio-economic reasons. Many lacked secondary education and struggled with the language and culture. This no longer the case. Second and third generation Muslims are achieving positions of real power and prominence. Perhaps even more significantly, Western converts...

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More Like Jesus

There were no Muslims at the time of Christ; but one group, the Samaritans, bore striking similarity to them. First, they shared a common history with Jews, as the Muslims do with us. Second, they were socially and culturally isolated. Third, they worshipped God, often with real zeal, but ‘not...

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Latest Internet Action

The debate on ‘Is the Qur’an the Word of God’ is up and running, and has been visited over 11,000 times since August 1995 by people from all over the world including many from Muslim countries. Apologetic material Jay Smith’s papers on the Origins of Islam, Muhammad, the Qur'an and the...

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