Challenged to live by a different set of values Becky Horton shares impressions from the 2016 CMF Student Conference. And then I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the...
Public Policy and Advocacy Not in Our Name A group of midwives have written a letter to The Royal College of Midwives, opposing the College's support for the BPAS campaign to legalise abortion for any reason up to birth. If you are a midwife, student midwife or maternity support worker...
Around and about CMF summit set for June An invited group of about 80 leaders and links and senior staff will gather (June 18-19) for a time of reflection, prayer and shaping as the Fellowship launches our '2020 Active' five-year plan. The summit will incorporate a meeting of the CMF General...
Farewell to Vicky After almost eight years as Head of International Ministries, Vicky Lavy has decided to hand on the leadership of CMF's international work to someone new. She plans to leave by the end of July after this year's Developing Health Course. Huw Morgan, Chair of the CMF International...