Training and Evangelism More needy people come through the doors of our consulting rooms and outpatient clinics than will ever enter our churches, and they are not all patients either. Colleagues too are on a spiritual journey - either towards God or away from him. Not all may be actively...
Communications New & upcoming books A Physician's Story This new book places Luke and Acts side by side, charting the life and death of Jesus and the growth of the early church. As we remember the birth of Jesus this Christmas, reading or rereading Luke's accounts keeps the gospel...
Exciting times for students Reflections on the autumn term Deep:ER It's a great encouragement to have seven Deep:ER volunteers on staff this year. Chris Borges da Silva, Monica Hemaya, Nandi Mnyama, Joanna Obire, Rachel Owusu-Ankomah, Liz Poppleton and Sarah Wright are working on a number of projects both in the...
International review Fi McLachlan reflects on the work Currently, CMF's International department aims: To challenge and envision CMF members and other Christian healthcare professionals and students to be involved in serving Christ throughout the world To mobilise and equip those who want to be involved in healthcare mission To support and advocate for...