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Articles from autumn 1997

Second thoughts from a cloning society

It's 2060. Human clones are all around, though often we have no idea who's a clone and who isn't. The other day I got a great surprise when a friend told me she was one. I would never have guessed. Of every 1,000 babies born now, 20 are cloned. We...

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Where is God when it hurts?

My justification for daring to write on this subject is that, having been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) 13 years ago, I have some experience of what it's like to be on both sides of the fence. For young doctors, it is usually only in our patients that we confront...

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Off with the Old - On with the New

What are the issues at stake in revising the Hippocratic Oath? Historians know little about the origin of what we now call the 'Hippocratic Oath', and little about its use in antiquity. It came from Greece around 400 BC, and was probably associated with the 'school' of Hippocrates rather than...

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Among All Nations 1

Articles in this edition Partnership Among All Nations Among All Nations wants to see more Christian health professionals share in that partnership among all nations, and experience that coming blessing. When Lightning Strikes Jenny Blackman, on a medical student elective in north-east Zaire, discovered surprising contrasts with work back home Tears...

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Book Reviews

Where do we go from here? The case for life beyond death (Book Review)

This is my sort of book, not a theological or academic thesis, littered with footnotes or Bible references (though there are appendices), but undemanding, a book to be read rather than studied. Assuming some Christian knowledge, it is clearly developed, Bible based, and thought provoking. How many of us can...

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'...and still they weep' (Book Review)

This powerful and moving book examines the effect that abortion can have on women and their families. Using 20 personal stories, it highlights some of the reasons women choose abortion, the psychological and physical consequences.22 of abortion, and possible effects on the lives of others. After 30 years of legalised...

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The Puzzle of Ethics (Book Review)

To attempt an overview of ethical puzzles in a short book is a major challenge. To encourage people to think for themselves, and understand and apply philosophical approaches to ethical decision-making is a greater challenge. The authors face these challenges and seek to involve people from the beginning with ethical...

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Counselling in the Community - A Guide for the Local Church (Book Review)

The author has worked in Social Services and in residential care for teenagers, setting up a residential retreat centre and latterly developing courses for training in Christian counselling. This extensive experience gives him ample authority to write this book. It is informative and practical, with a list of do's and...

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Treasures of Darkness - Facing the Problems of Personal Suffering (Book Review)

'But what can I say? He has spoken to me, and he himself has done this. I will walk humbly all my years because of this anguish of my soul' (Isaiah 38: 15). So speaks King Hezekiah after recovering from a near fatal illness over 2,500 years ago, and it...

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Christian Healing - What Can We Believe? (Book review)

There are many books on Christian healing. Most, alas, are superficial and unbalanced but this is more profound than most and addresses the fundamentals. It arose from meetings between Christian health professionals, pastoral workers, theologians and ethicists, coming from different traditions of the healing ministry. Each chapter is written jointly...

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Editorial: this mortal coil

In the famous ‘To be, or not to be’ soliloquy in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the title character continues his muse on life and death with the words: ‘To die, to sleep - No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to....

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Entertaining phrases from research ethics. Dr Martyn Evans gives a long list of thought-provoking and amusing definitions. Examples: 'Data - little blob-like thingies on a chart. Initial data - blobs through which no curve could remotely be plotted. Revised data - blobs through which a curve is plotted faultlessly. Ethics committee...

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