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Order Ref: DLS3
Published by: ICMDA (2015)
ISBN: 9780906747643
Price: £7.00
Do you want to stay tuned in to God while you're on the run at work? Is your life so governed by the urgent that you seem to have little time to see what is important, and rearrange your priorities?
This third edition of Doctor's Life Support is specifically designed to help you. It is conveniently pocket-sized with a one-page reading for each day. It has been written by Christians in healthcare from all over the world seeking to discern how scripture speaks to us in today's healthcare scene.
It is a good example of what John Stott called 'Dual Listening' - to have the bible in one hand and a newspaper (perhaps blog post or podcast today!) in the other, so that we may listen carefully to scripture and to the world. In this way, our regular medical work can be both inspired and informed by scripture.
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