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1st incision - COVID-19: when demand outstrips supply

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The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the healthcare systems of virtually every country on earth, and the UK has been no exception. A massive mobilisation and reorganisation of the British National Health Service (NHS) to address the challenges we were facing from this new and still poorly understood disease happened in weeks. And in the midst of this mass reorganisation, a lot of thinking had to go into how best to allocate limited resources as we faced a potential overload on the NHS.

Two of our members, Dr Melody Redman and Dr James Haslam, put together a paper looking at these questions and applying a biblical principles to the question of resource allocation. It sounds dry, but it is a matter that could quite literally mean life of death. In this special, extra edition of 1st incision, Steve Fouch has a wide ranging discussion with James and Melody about how we decide who gets what treatment, how COVID-19 has changed the way we think about how we allocate limited resources, and how the public's thinking has changed as a result of the pandemic. We also look at what challenges the future holds.

You can read Melody and James' paper, COVID-19: When demand outstrips supply and other resources on COVID-19 on the CMF Website.

COVID-19 voices from the frontline - the scientist

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Tim is clinical scientist with many years' experience in developing anti-viral drugs. He is currently heading clinical development for a UK pharmaceutical company. At the moment, many clinical trials are in suspension as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown isolates vulnerable patient groups. At the same time, there is a significant re-deployment of people and resources to find drug candidates that will inhibit the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. As a Christian scientist, how does he harmonise his faith and science - do they have anything in common?

CMF recently produced an edition of our student magazine, nucleus, that focused on the relationship between faith and science. Read it at, which includes links to many other resources on Christianity and science and their long and misunderstood relationship.

1st incision podcast: Strength in diversity: men and women undertaking arduous training

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We speak to a RAF doctor about his research on men and women during arduous training. How do men and women perform differently? What are the implications for how we think about equality and diversity and what are the implications for a Christian worldview?

1st incision podcast: caring for transgender patients

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Dr Kate talks to Dr James Howitt about how we care compassionately for transgender patients, looking at some of the areas of controversy in current approaches.

1st Incision podcast: mindfulness

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CMF's new podcast opening up the interface of faith and medicine. In this first edition, James Howitt talks to James May about 'mindfulness' and how we deal critically with this increasingly popular, but poorly understood mental health practice.

Dr Mark Pickering discusses medical cannabis on Premier Christian Radio

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CMF's Mark Pickering on Premier Christian Radio's News Hour, discussing the Church of England's stance on medical cannabis.

Broadcast by Premier Christian Radio on June 10 2019.

Steve Fouch talks to Premier Christian Radio following the announcement of £20bn of NHS funding

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Steve Fouch is interviewed on the Premier News Hour, following Theresa May's announcement of an extra £20bn of NHS funding per year by 2023.

Broadcast by Premier Christian Radio on June 18 2018.

Laurence Crutchlow on TWR, discussing a study into the use of Ketamine to treat depression

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Laurence Crutchlow speaking on Trans World Radio, discussing a study into the potential use of Ketamine to treat depression.

Broadcast by Trans World Radio on April 28 2018.

Dr Peter Saunders talks to UCB News during National Fertility Awareness Week

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Dr Peter Saunders talks to UCB's Vicky Gibbens as part of National Fertility Awareness Week, 40 years on from the conception of the first IVF baby.

Broadcast by UCB News on October 30 2017.

Pressure on maternity services across the NHS

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Recent reports have shown that maternity units across the country have been so under pressure that they have been turning away mothers in labour. CMF's Head of Public Policy Philippa Taylor responds on Premier Christian Radio

Choosing Wisely - Laurence Crutchlow

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Laurence Crutchlow speaking on Trans World Radio about the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges report: "40 treatments that bring little or no benefit to patients".

Dr Peter Saunders on PrEP

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Dr Peter Saunders speaking on BBC Radio London about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

Life is precious: Michael

Life is Precious is a video series from the Christian Medical Fellowship.

Find out more at
and discover The Human Journey, here:
Duration: 5 mins

Life is precious: Millie

Life is Precious is a video series from the Christian Medical Fellowship.

Find out more at
and discover The Human Journey, here:
Duration: 5 mins

The Human Journey - UCB Interview

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CMF's Head of Communications, John Martin, speaks to UCB Radio about The Human Journey, our new resource for churches. Originally broadcast on Monday 19 January 2015.

Interview reproduced courtesy of UCB

Duration: 6 mins

The Human Journey

The Human Journey is a resource from the Christian Medical Fellowship for churches, healthcare professionals and student groups.

Find out more:
Duration: 1 mins

Christian choices in healthcare

Dr Peter Saunders speaking at CRE, May 2013 on 'Christian Choices in Healthcare'.
Duration: 30 mins
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Christian Medical Fellowship:
uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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