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Author Index - Peter Saunders

Dr Peter Saunders is a former general surgeon and Chief Executive CMF. He is now CEO of the International Christian Medical & Dental Association

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September 11 - Two years on - Let's keep it in perspective (triple helix - autumn 2003)

The September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 were a great tragedy - with just over 3,000 deaths in a single day. And the people killed were infinitely more important than the companies they worked for or the buildings they worked in. The grisly events were witnessed, and will rightfully be...

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The Road Ahead (CMF news - summer 2003)

The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that ‘there is a proper time and procedure for every matter’ and that ‘the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure’ (8:5,6). So often God guides through circumstances, opening and closing doors in his good time, and helping us to be wise in...

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Patient (Assisted Dying) Bill - A dangerous document that Christian doctors should oppose (triple helix - Summer 2003)

A new Bill attempting to legalise Dutch-style euthanasia throughout Britain is making its way through the House of Lords. Lord Joffe's Patient (Assisted Dying) Bill[1] passed its second reading on 6 June without a vote, and now goes to the committee stage, where it can be amended and revised before...

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Designer babies (triple helix - Summer 2003)

Two controversial designer baby cases have recently aroused public controversy. Peter Saunders asks how far we should allow the new gene technology take us. On Tuesday 8 April the Court of Appeal gave the goahead for the Hashmi family to have a child by in vitro fertilisation in order to...

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Why Christians Disagree (nucleus - summer 2003)

My father was a Congregationalist and my mother Anglican and after leaving home my brother joined the Baptists and I the Open Brethren. I married my Presbyterian wife in a Christian Missionary Alliance church, and during housejobs we were members of an Apostolic Pentecostal fellowship. Later we went to a...

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Preaching, Healing and Justice (CMF news - spring 2003)

‘ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners And recovery of sight for the blind, To release the oppressed, To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour’...

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Egg freezing - A step in the right direction (triple helix - winter 2003)

Helen Perry, a Jehovah's Witness from Shropshire, has become the first woman in Britain to have a baby using a frozen egg, due to a new anti-freeze method that increases egg survival rates. Over 100 babies have now been born from frozen eggs worldwide, and new results presented on 15...

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The sex lottery - More condomania (triple helix - winter 2003)

'Don't play the sex lottery. Use a condom' is the slogan driving the government's new £4 million 'safe sex' campaign to try to curb the rising trend of sexually transmitted diseases, up 61% in England, Wales and Northern Ireland since 1991. The website's brave claim that 'only condoms provide...

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The consultants' contract - Family friendly first (triple helix - winter 2003)

Many people will find it hard to understand why hospital consultants in England and Wales should have rejected a deal promising a 20% rise in starting salary to new consultants and pay rises of 9 to 24% across the board. But the reality is that most doctors do not go...

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Going for Gold (CMF news - winter 2002)

'From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. ' Luke 12:48 Giving thanks is good for the soul, and a great way of lifting our spirits when we feel life's burdens...

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