Human papilloma virus (HPV) was back in the news on both sides of the Atlantic early this year. The UK press was euphoric about a new vaccine against HPV which would be available 'within the next five years'. [1] This is indeed good news but predictions of women no longer...
There are so many books available exploring both theological and personal Christian perspectives on homosexuality that any new addition to the field should offer fresh insights. This one does. The chapters were all originally papers given at a symposium at Oak Hill Theological College in April 2003. Although the chapters...
The latest annual report of the Government's Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health[1] was published in October 2004. The group was set up to monitor progress and advise the Government on the implementation of its sexual health strategy. It is chaired by the Labour peer Baroness Gould of Potternewton who...
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists called it 'morally repugnant'. In an editorial the New York Times called it 'politically motivated'. The BMJ couldn't say a word in its favour. The USA's Food and Drug Administration's refusal to permit sales over the counter (without a prescription) of an emergency...
The bulk of this book comprises a painstakingly detailed account of the sexual seduction of our society over the past two centuries by sexual revolutionaries from Robert Owen (1771-1858) to Gill Frances of the presentday National Children's Bureau. It is a valuable resource book for specialist readers, tracing not only...
On Wednesday 11 June 2003 the much leaked in advance House of Commons Health Committee Report on Sexual Health[1] was published. Having been one of just two GPs who gave oral evidence to the Committee, I was not surprised at its findings. David Hinchliffe the Labour chair of the committee...
'Why are we not being told the truth?' asks Trevor Stammers If a lie is repeated loudly enough and often enough, it is not surprising that many people who ought to know better will believe it. I was surprised though, that the Chief Medical Officer did not check the...
My London medical practice has seen a huge rise in sexually transmitted infections (STIs) over the past few years. Genitourinary medicine clinics are struggling with the increasing workload and the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases is promoting training courses to help GPs cope. Despite well-funded Government initiatives,...
'Teen sex advice ineffective.' The BBC News website [1] could not report it without using inverted commas. Anne Weyman, the Chief Executive of the Family Planning Association, blustered about it on the Today programme with noticeably less self-confidence than usual. However, The Observer, which normally avoids covering such news altogether,...
Backed with £47.5 million, the long awaited government's first National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV Services [1] was launched on 27 July 2001 by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Sheila Adam and GUM consultant, Prof Michael Adler. The launch was timed to coincide with the release of the...