Adele Pilkington Onwards and Upwards, 2013, £9.99 Pb 84pp, ISBN 9781907509711 Reviewed by John Caroe, retired General Practitioner This is a collection of 60 short poems covering a range of everyday spiritual ideas and situations. These poems have evidently been written by Adele Pilkington as a personal expression...
Wanted: specialist tutors PRIME started out in GP education but now receivesrequests covering a huge range of specialty subjects.Unfortunately we still have relatively few specialiststo call upon. Can you help? Partner organisations often have gaps in their ownteaching resources and ask for specific input –hepatologist for Egypt; anaesthetist and diabetologistfor the Middle...
The author is a dietician with long experience of teamwork in hospital and palliative care. Although mentioning her Anglican background, she writes for a secular readership a secular book pleading strongly for integration of spiritual care in all aspects of healthcare. She differentiates this dimension of reality from faith or...
PRIME has had the honour to teach in around 30 countries in all five continents. We do not evangelise, but put God's values within the core of academic medical truth: caring for and valuing the sufferer's spirit, and also the doctor's. God has blessed us richly. For example, over 2,500...
CRAIOVA, Romania, November 2006 An example of PRIME's work Christian medical students have become the leaders for PRIME's opportunities in medical schools in Romania. Craiova is a University town in the South: PRIME was asked to lead a two-day conference on doctor-patient relationships, consultation skills and stress. Attendance...
PRIME has been greatly encouraged by the endorsement at the ICMDA World Congress. The education pre-conference and the seminars run by PRIME throughout the main conference in Sydney were well attended and well received. Several Australian doctors signed up as potential tutors and hope to start an Australasian branch to...
The vision of PRIME's potential remains as strong as ever. To share the Lord's quality of professional and spiritual care with individual students or doctors may influence 5,000 patients per annum per professional career. To share that vision with an individual medical teacher may influence 200 students per annum, each...
Students find faith Sarah Germain tells how a link between junior doctors and students from Oxford and Tirana is helping change lives. How can a country, that was declared the world's only atheist state until ten years ago, where the regime even banned Christmas, be turned to Christ? ...