Often our society wants everything now, with no tolerance for waiting. Some patients have come to expect that they should be seen the same day, even for a problem that is clearly non-urgent to both them and their doctor. Online companies strive to provide the fastest possible delivery service, with...
Both these books are helpful. Though reaching similar conclusions, the approach taken differs markedly. Sex, Dating and Relationships could be recommended for its opening chapter alone. A challenging and refreshing exposition of sex as an expression of the gospel sets the book's tone. Arguing that the Bible defines three...
Autumn may seem a strange time to publish a piece on 'cynicism'. Medical school lecture theatres are full to bursting in those early days when freshers attend absolutely every lecture without fail; the wards are covered in students with shiny new stethoscopes seeking their first patients to clerk, and FY1s...
'To serve our patients according to their healthcare need without partiality or discrimination on any basis' Our first reaction to this fourth CMF value might be that it is so obvious as not to be worth stating. Surely the recent Equalities Act (2010), frequent 'Equality and Diversity' training, and repeated...
Sex, Dating and Relationships: A fresh approach Gerald Hiestand & Jay S Thomas (Crossway, 2012 RRP £7.55, but only £5 as part of the Take + Read scheme) The Dating Dilemma: A romance revolution Rachel Gardner & Andre Adefope (IVP, 2013 RRP £8.99)...
Change and reorganisation are ever-present facts of life in many professions, and healthcare is no exception. This paper examines some of the challenges for Christians living and working in the changing context of healthcare in the UK. Many of the key principles will be equally applicable in other walks of...
Laurence Crutchlow examines one of CMF's core values. 'To maintain the deepest respect for human life from its beginning to its end, including the unborn, the handicapped and the elderly' The value of human life confuses society. Strict laws on murder, public distress at the death of soldiers and...
We assume most Nucleus readers have little experience of prisons; indeed you probably wondered why a set of handcuffs were on the front cover! According to Ministry of Justice figures, 85,285 people were in prison in the UK as of 4 April 2014; that's slightly more than one in 1000...
Laurence Crutchlow is a London GP and CMF Associate Head of Student Ministries 'Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music' (Psalm 98:4) Many of us will have sung Joy to the World during Christmas. Based on Psalm 98, the widely sung words...
'To practise whole-person medicine which addresses our patients' physical, emotional and spiritual needs' Laurence Crutchlow explores the second of CMF's values. This second of CMF's values might at first glance appear relatively uncontroversial. After all, it is not that different from the World Health Organisation's (WHO) famous definition of...