'Towards the end [Dad] was about ready to try anything. …There must be nothing more maddening than dying of a disease when there is a great clinical trial going on that suggests had you developed the disease a year later, you'd be saved.' 'There's a reason for pharmaceutical regulation: drugs...
The story of flying mission Malcolm J McArthur Milton Contact Ltd 2011 £19 Pb 321 pp ISBN 978 0 95626 496 1 What is the fastest way to get from one town in Botswana to another across miles and miles of uncharted desert? By plane (ka sefofane in the...
An introduction to CMF - new DVD CMF has a new DVD to help recruit members. 'An introduction...' for doctors a dna separate video for churches, present the key aims of the fellowship in a xuccinct and fresh style. They are available on DVD, on our website, and on YouTube...
Conflict abounds; that was Habakkuk's appraisal of the situation in his day. Many Christian doctors today would identify with Habakkuk's feelings. As they survey the political discussion on the future of the NHS, they ponder on what kind of health service they will be working in when the dust finally...