We are continually moulded by our experiences and our relationships. Most of the time, this is a slow and steady weathering. But then there are the landslides that reshape everything. Landslides can be triggered by both sorrowful and joyful events: serious illness, bereavement, new jobs, or having children. They can...
The waiting room for the emergency gynae clinic is a strange place. The air is thick with nerves. No-one makes eye contact, conversations with partners are had in hushed tones. The walls covered with posters offering support and counselling services that only serve to reinforce the sense of inevitability. There's...
I have a confession to make, I live in a bubble. A social bubble. I like to think that I don't, that as a doctor I mix with a huge variety of people with different backgrounds, beliefs and political leanings. Whether they are colleagues, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, porters or patients....
We are taught to be confident. Patients need to trust our clinical judgment and they won't if we bracket it with our uncertainties. As doctors we are expected to lead by example. This means exuding an air of confidence and calm despite any panic running beneath the surface. From the...
Elizabeth McNaughtexplores the challengesof living with anorexiafrom a deeply personalperspective. As both a doctor anda sufferer she brings a balancedand insightful perspective to thisdifficult subject. She explores the complexunderlying causes and the consequencesof eating disorders onboth patients and their families.She identifies current issues withour mental health care system ina non-judgmental manner....
Obesity is not a new phenomenon, but it is increasingly on the secular agenda. Struggles with 'body weight' can stretch to either extreme - from restrictive 'clean' eating to morbid obesity. Yet it seems our culture is more judgmental of people who are overweight than underweight. Each of us should...
Faith offers resources for dealing with emotion, as Alice Gerth discovered. Eight hours into my first weekend on-call, struggling to manage the workload, my jobs list getting longer as the day progressed and my bleep went off: 'Cardiac Arrest, Orthopaedic ward'. My heart sank. An hour later, I walked off the...