On Monday 19 June, the British Medical Association (BMA) elected to re-ballot their membership on extending their mandate for industrial action.[1] The previous ballot on 9 January 2023[2] returned unprecedented results. Out of the 47,692 members eligible to vote, 36,955 voted, of which 36,218 voted 'Yes' to strike action. That's...
Many books have been written on the subject of lust and sexual sin over the years, but the test of time often demonstrates which books prove most helpful for believers battling this perennial, serious foe. John Flavel may not be the best-known Puritan, but his writings have been appreciated by...
This was a cleverly devised question asked to our Lord by the infamous Pharisees. Crafted in such a way that no matter which way he answered, he was going to get into trouble, or so it seemed. If he said 'Yes', the Pharisees would have said to the people that...
Medicine is a moral enterprise. What I mean by that is, fundamentally, medicine has a moral dimension to it. The essence of the profession is to provide healing, treatment and comfort to the patient. When practised correctly, we believe that the medical action performed was the morally right thing to...