Those with a materialistic and utilitarian outlook have already demeaned personhood by liberalising life-protecting laws. The writers attribute this to acceptance of the lowest of four possible 'Levels of Happiness'. Although they do not say so, these levels mirror the sequence of conceptual maturation in children.
As with infants, Level 1 offers pleasure through immediate satisfaction. Level 2 is self-centred and competitive, like young children whose inexperience makes them judge by appearances. They squabble over desirable toys, showing how autonomies can conflict when perceived rights exclude responsibilities. Debates about beneficence and non-maleficence conducted at Level 2 are skewed by viewing pain as intolerable, hence promotion of abortion and euthanasia, with no serious regard for alternative but costlier options. Like many in early adolescence, those at Level 3 have ideals beyond self, applying principles (truth, goodness, justice and beauty) which benefit others. Based on supposed 'love', though, the outworking is often materialistic (eg care orders not parentcraft, handouts not hands on). Level 4 brings an eternal perspective to these same principles with God's love inspiring and undergirding their application, thus involving personal self-giving.
It is this common nature, capable of eventual maturity, which the writers see as defining a person. For 'the tyranny of the majority' that seeks to exclude some as nonpersons indicates a culture dominated by minds at Levels 1/2. This affects views (and laws) on personal rights, justice, ethics and the common good. Conceptual growth spurts often follow painful crises. Yet 'suffering well' opens up possibilities of developing Level 3/4 humility, empathy, justice and, sometimes, prayer. Competitiveness becomes creative cooperation, whilst the goal of freedom from pain yields to that of freedom for othercentred love. This brings lasting, not ephemeral, comfort and happiness both to carers and cared for.
Those at Levels 3/4 are urged to teach their perceptions about personhood to the more immature. Theoretically, this should be eyeopening, stimulating other-love and thereby bringing about communal and cultural healing. Yet even with the Lord himself as teacher most hearts, ears and eyes remained closed. He indicated that conversion precedes healing (Matthew 13:15). However convincing the philosophy, therefore, education alone is not enough. Informed heads and repentant hearts can be separated by stiff necks.
Reviewed byJanet Goodall
retired consultant paediatrician in Staffordshire and former CMF President