'The Old Testament is full of sex and violence and most unsuitable for children, and the New Testament is about catering for large numbers.'
Funny? Blasphemous even? What do you think? When this joke was made on a BBC Radio 4 news quiz, a few complaints resulted in editing of the programme before its repeat broadcast a few days later.
Your opinion is valid. As Christians, we base our beliefs on biblical truth: most people do not. If we say nothing about what we believe, no one else will. If you hear something you disagree with, don't just sit there - write something.
The Power of the Pen
'The pen is mightier than the sword.' (Baron Lytton 1838 - Richelieu Act II scene 2)
A sword is only effective for defence if you use it. Just as sword skills require practice, so does penmanship. Get out your pen and start writing.
Letters are wonderful things. Receiving a letter is like a gift, especially if you are feeling lonely. Write to encourage your friends: e-mail is convenient but nothing beats a hand written letter. If you are in trouble, writing sometimes can seem the only way to communicate. Try writing a letter as a prayer to Jesus.
Your opinion is very important. If you have knowledge of a subject, writing an article will allow you to develop, share and test your ideas. If Paul hadn't written letters to the churches, the New Testament would have been a lot thinner.
Challenge the beliefs of others. There are numerous topics that you can write about: medical ethics, morality, theology, your recent mission, elective or holiday. Be creative: a short story may convey your thoughts well.
Student magazines and editors long for letters giving feedback. The Student BMJ, for example, needs letters and articles from Christian medical students: they feel we are under represented. If you enjoyed the CMF conference or even disagreed with an aspect of it, Nucleus would love to hear from you! The content of Nucleus needs constructive criticism and often aims to provoke debate. Write and tell us what you think.
Don't simply get angry about injustice in this world. A letter to an MP, newspaper or organisation is a very good start to making a difference. There are times when nothing is done because those in power do not realise that an event has happened. Many great changes start in simple ways. You may be the only one to realise what is going on.
Your thoughts, feelings and opinions are significant. As Christians we have a responsibility to spread the good news and protect those who have no voice. Develop the power of your pen: you will find it is mightier than the sword.